in #CASE you missed it... Pizza, It’s Good For Breakfast!

in #CASE you missed it...  Pizza, It’s Good For Breakfast!

A food expert is giving us the greenlight to eat pizza for breakfast.

Jason Bull is the Managing Director of Bite UK and he says pizza for breakfast will become a trend in 2018. The trick, he says, is the crust. You can use a lighter one for breakfast than you do at dinner and even then there are many choices.

The carbs don’t have to scare you; they can be limited. Bull points out that Italians eat pizza up to eight times a day. He predicts healthier and colorful pizzas this year. “Pizza bases made from vegetable flours will grow and feature strongly in 2018, tying in with the gluten free trend that will continue to grow using natural ingredients.”

In a nutshell? Pizza is the new breakfast of champions!

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