in #CASE you missed it… Topics You Shouldn’t Bring Up At Work

in #CASE you missed it… The Topics You Shouldn’t Bring Up At The Office

Sex is the one topic most folks feel is off limits at the office...DUH!!! 

While you may think you are super close with all of your co-workers, you probably shouldn't be talking to them about what goes on in your bedroom.  That's because a new poll finds that 71% of workers believe sex is an inappropriate topic of conversation at the office.

But it’s not the only topic that’s off limits. Other inappropriate subjects include:

Drug use (69%)

Gossip about a co-worker (57%)

Salary or income (42%)

So what do you do if someone brings up the subject? Well, if the conversation doesn’t fall under harassment, psychologist Crystal Lee suggests letting the person know you don’t want to hear about it, but do it without being rude. Try using non-verbal clues, like turning your body away from them, and if that doesn’t work, try changing the subject. You can even try adding some humor if it feels appropriate for the situation.

If they still don’t get the hint, let them know you are uncomfortable, just do it when you are alone with the person, not in front of the whole office. And if all else fails, you can always go to HR.

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