BREAKING! Scientists say there's nothing wrong with marrying your cousin!

Data scientists at Columbia University have published a report in the journal Science and  came to a conclusion that that marrying a cousin should not be considered a bad thing for your family tree.

Cousin love has always been seen as taboo. While it might not be accepted socially, science now says there's nothing wrong with marrying your first cousin. The long running theory was that procreating with a first cousin could cause birth defects in the child. Columbia University found the risk of birth defects from a first-cousin child is no greater than the risk from a woman who gives birth after 40 years old. 

Researchers said women over 40 aren't made to feel guilty about having babies so cousins should be looked at any differently. The majority of U.S. states outlaw first-cousin marriages because of the reports of higher than usual birth defects. 

Is there a cousin you would consider marrying or do you find the whole thing weird? 

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