in #CASE you missed it… Ways To Be Kind To Yourself Right Now

in #CASE you missed it… Ways To Be Kind To Yourself Right Now

We know self-care is good for us and can help us feel better, but sometimes even the simplest things feel really hard these days.

We hear a lot about how self-care is important and helpful things we “should” be doing right now to make us feel better, but sometimes even simple things can feel impossible right now. So these are some ways to let all that go and give yourself permission to NOT do stuff. Think of it as your anti-to-do list and enjoy.

Don’t worry about keeping up on the news - There’s no shame in turning off the news or only reading or watching things that only make you feel good.

Or be nice to yourself if you can’t look away - If you know you should take a news break but can’t make yourself stop, don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s hard to disconnect right now and that’s okay.

Be a little “gross” - You may find yourself doing things you feel are kind of gross. Now’s the time to do them without judgment. We’re talking about showering less, letting your brows and body hair grow freely, or just cutting back on stuff you typically only do for the benefit of others.

Eat whatever the heck you want - It should always be a rule, but for now at least, try to give in and not feel bad about it. A dinner of some cheese and peanuts? So be it. Forget that meal plan you planned pre-pandemic and just get through today, Oreos and all.

And wear whatever you want - Still wearing the same ratty sweatpants you’ve had on all week? Who cares! No one can see you. And if you’re tired of not getting dressed up, do your hair and makeup and put on something nice just to work from your couch. It’s not a waste of time if it makes you feel good.

Be kind to yourself if your place is messy or dirty - Don’t feel like doing dishes? Use paper plates. Not in the mood to clean up? Don’t. And more importantly - don’t feel bad about it.

Accept your new sleep schedule - Between the anxiety we’re feeling and pent-up energy from sheltering in place, our new reality may be messing with our sleep. Some are snoozing more, some a lot less and trying to maintain a schedule can be a challenge, but it’s not something to stress about.

Give yourself plenty of room to do absolutely nothing - Some days you may want to do nothing but feel your feelings or totally avoid your feelings. You might feel motivated to clean out your closet or just want to stare at the ceiling and you should give yourself space to do - or not do - whatever feels right.

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