95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender

95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender

95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender


Most Americans Would Take Pay Cuts to Keep Working From Home

According to a new survey, workers whose jobs don’t explicitly require their presence really want to be able to work remote at least some of the time. Most would even take a pay cut to do so. Their bosses want them back in the office, but are willing to compromise on three or four days a week.

Based on the study, the share of work done remotely will level off at about 20 percent after the pandemic restrictions end. That’s four times the pre-pandemic remote work rate of 5 percent.

The new level of remote work that the researchers forecast would add up to 435 million fewer hours spent traveling to and from work, which could spell trouble for local downtown economies.

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