95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender

95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender

95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender


Daily Bender Gazette: NFL Rookie Ben Cleveland Eats Squirrel

Baltimore Ravens rookie Ben Cleveland isn’t opposed to eating squirrel if the freezer is running low on meat.

The 6-foot-6 offensive linemen is a big-time hunter and has been eating squirrels for years. While the former Georgia Bulldog mostly hunts deer, he’s also no stranger to taking down a few squirrels here and there, especially as a kid. He wouldn’t just shoot a handful of squirrels and leave them there, no, he’d take them home, toss ’em in the freezer and eat them if the meat supply was running low. Cleveland said, "It’s more one of those things where you eat what you’ve got in the freezer from the Fall. Had a few squirrels freeze dried in there. Get a little hungry, ain’t got no deer meat left, fry you up a squirrel or two and just go eat that.”

Cleveland also shared a story from when he played hooky from school one day, but there was no food in the house for breakfast. It was early in the morning and didn’t want to wake anybody in the house, so instead of leaving the house, he simply opened up a window in the living room, took out his .22 and shot two squirrels.

“I went out there and got the squirrels. Threw ’em in some hot grease, made me some frozen biscuits, and let ’em ride.”

Oh, Cleveland says squirrel “tastes like squirrel.”

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