in #CASE you missed it… Most Women Admit To Experiencing Anxiety

in #CASE you missed it… Most Women Admit To Experiencing Anxiety

Survey reveals women’s attitudes towards anxiety

A survey conducted by “Women’s Day” and Healthy Women, finds that 96% of women say they’ve experienced some level of anxiety, with 81% suffering at least weekly. And the older they are, the more anxiety they feel, with those surveyed saying they’ve had more anxiety in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, than they did in their 20s and 30s. Things can be so bad, that 61% of those surveyed say they’ve experienced a panic attack at some point in their life.

As for what’s causing all of this anxiety, finances are the biggest source followed by work and their relationship with their significant other. And when it comes to dealing with their anxiety, 43% admit they haven’t spoken about their concerns with a healthcare professional. Instead, they are using coping mechanisms, with 44% saying they watch TV, 41% turning to food, 33% exercising, and another 33% avoiding social situations.

What coping mechanisms have you come up with to deal with your anxiety?

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