in #CASE you missed it… Dealing With Co-Workers On Social

in #CASE you missed it… Dealing With Co-Workers On Social

We spend much of our time with colleagues at work, so how much do you want them in your outside life? That’s a question quick becoming more relevant as social media evolves. If a co-worker wants to follow you on Instagram, or anywhere else, you’ll need to know how to handle it.

How connected with people we work with should we be? “Huffington Post” decided to ask some random people and this is what the result was: there are no real set rules yet. With the help of those interviewed, they’ve come up with some guidelines and food for thought about how much you want workers to know about your personal life.

Professor Joseph Osmundson from New York University is great example. He has a podcast outside of work, is on the dating app Grindr and other spots online. His students seek him out and DM him, so they get blocked. They’ve even gone on Grindr to do it. So, he explained the boundaries to his class. He also realizes that what he posts is watched by his bosses, and he respects that but doesn’t let it limit him.

Here are some rules to follow when dealing with co-workers online:

Big brother is always watching. Don’t post what you don’t want work to know.

You don’t have to engage. It’s up to you who you friend or allow to follow.

Each medium is different. Each social media site comes with its own expectations. You may want a work acquaintance on LinkedIn but not on Instagram.

Managers can’t unsee what you post.

People may share a lot for good reasons. Don’t judge or assume.

Do you have co-workers or bosses following you on social media?

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