Tony Robbins Caught On Film Using Racial Slurs

Video from a 1980s Tony Robbins presentation shows him using the “n” word and describing kissing a female fan.

In the video, a young Robbins talks about an “intense” encounter with a “militant black” audience at an event. He talked about the group challenging him about using only “white examples” and that’s when Robbins said he gave this advice - he explained to one man that if he didn’t stop taking offense about matters of race he would “never be free.”

In the process he described how he had used the “n” word a few times and said he warned them that giving control to that word would give it power. “You have no control in your life. You are still a slave.” He said the technique worked to change the mood of the room and that eventually audience members were also singing “I’m a honky” and black and white people were hugging. “Black, white, doesn’t matter to me,” he added.

Robbins lawyer said the presentation being talked about in the video was positive and was accepted in the context it was given in. Robbins is known for using “taboo” language in his work as a motivational coach who has worked with Oprah, Bill Clinton, Serena Williams,Donald Trump, and the Kardashians.

Source:BuzzFeed News

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