UNREAL! Seagull Steals Man’s Weed, And Saves Him From Arrest

Every other time, a seagull swooping down and stealing stuff from you is something that would piss you off royally. For one Swedish man, it ended up being a godsend that might’ve kept him out of jail. For a little background, Sweden is a country that has some of the stricter drug laws out there – including laws about pot. It’s not legal recreationally and if you’re caught with it, you could score a hefty fine and the possibility of six months in lock-up.

At the Gothenburg Cultural Festival, police got an eyeful of a woman toking on a joint out in the open. As the cops were closing in, they also got a glimpse of a man on a bench tossing a bag full of weed aside. This caught the attention of the cops, and they moved-in towards him rather than the woman who was smoking because it’s estimated that bag contained upwards of 10-grams of weed.

Just before the cops made their move, however, a seagull came down, grabbed the bag of weed, and flew away. Just as the evidence flew away…so did the suspect. As the police watched their case disappear, the man made a mad dash and got away. With that, they still made their way over to the joint-smoking woman and arrested her. They were clearly disappointed, however, that their big catch got away…thanks to a seagull with a fondness for cannabis.

Source:The Leaf Desk

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