in #CASE you were curious about – PIZZA

in #CASE you were curious about – PIZZA

February 9th is National Pizza Pie Day!

Over 5-billion pizzas are sold all over the world each year – 3-billion of those are sold in the United States.

Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, or 350 slices of pizza per second. And 36-percent of those pizza slices are pepperoni slices, making pepperoni the number one choice among pizza toppings in the United States.

Saturday night is the most popular night to eat pizza.

The first pizzeria in North America was opened in 1905 by Gennaro Lombardi at 53 1/3 Spring Street in New York City.

The first "Pizza Hut" a chain of pizza restaurants appeared in the United States during the 1930s.

According to American Business Lists, there are approximately 61,269 pizzerias in the United States.

According to, the highest-grossing single-unit independent pizzeria in the nation, Moose's Tooth Pub and Pizzeria, is in Anchorage, Alaska. Their annual sales are approximately $6-million.

How much do you stuff? The typical adult consumes 744 calories of pizza in a single sitting.

October is National Pizza Month - it was first so designated in 1987.

A recent Gallup poll revealed that kids between the ages of 3 to 11 prefer pizza over all other food groups for lunch and dinner.

Here’s a look at the most popular pizza toppings around the world:

United States: pepperoni

Australia: A well-liked combination consists of barbecue sauce, emu, crocodile and kangaroo. Definitely a different kind of meat lovers' pie! Another popular combo is barbecue sauce, shrimp and pineapple—fruity, savory and spicy all at the same time.

Brazil: Brazilians go for green peas

France: A fried egg as a pizza topping is already common in France. In a version available at pizzerias throughout the country, the egg, which is usually cooked sunny-side up, is either baked right on top of the pie or fried in a pan, then placed on top

Germany: Canned tuna.

India: They prefer pickled ginger, minced mutton, and paneer cheese

Japan: Look for mayo jaga (a combination of mayonnaise, potato and bacon), corn, pimiento and onion. They’ll often include eel and squid as well. And get this, it’s available at Domino’s Japan

Russia: Sardines, tuna, mackerel, onions and salmon known as “mockba” in common Russia. No wonder Putin is such a grump…

Sweden: The Swedish eat their thin-crust pies with a fork and knife. And while they enjoy all sorts of toppings, the “pizza Africana” combination is by far the most interesting. What’s on it? It includes peanuts, bananas, chicken, pineapple and curry powder—lots of curry powder.

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