in #CASE you missed it… Woman discovers plant she's been watering is fake

in #CASE you missed it… Woman discovers plant she's been watering is fake

Devastated Woman Discovers Plant She’s Been Watering for Two Years Is Fake

Caelie Wilkes was devastaed after finding out the succulant that she had been caring for for over two years was fake.

Wilkes had a strict watering schedule for her plant, made sure it got the proper amount of sunlight and that the leaves were always clean. It wasn’t until she found the perfect pot for her plant and wanted to re-pot the succulant that she made a sad discovery.

Her plant she had been caring for for over two years was fake. It had a styrofoam base with sand glued to the top. Wilkes felt like the past two years were “a lie.”

Has this ever happened to you?

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