Resident escorts family of ducks off apartment balcony

Resident escorts family of ducks off apartment balcony

Seattle resident builds "duckling elevator" and escorts ducklings from apartment balcony, through city streets, and to open water

Nathaniel Peters, he’s a solid dude. Loves helping others and… helping a brood of ducklings off his balcony is a bi-annual occurrence.

He’s done it lots of times that he come up with a name for the annual event: the Ballard Mallard Duckling Drop.

Last week Nathaniel helped the most recent duck family off his balcony for the second time this year, and the seventh time in four years since he’s lived in his apartment!

Nathaniel, with help from his partner and a neighbor (and guidance from local wildlife rescue workers), constructed a duckling elevator from a plastic bin and lowers them carefully down from the balcony to the sidewalk below. Once safely on the ground, the brood and their mother get a personal escort a few blocks away to Salmon Bay, where Peters sees them off.

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