in #CASE you missed it.. Common Couples Fights During Lockdown

in #CASE you missed it.. Common Couples Fights During Lockdown

Being cooped up together has put a spotlight on normal annoyances and magnified them.

With much of the country still under some form of lockdown, it’s no surprise to see even the most solid of couples ready to strangle the living crap out of each other from time to time. When even the littlest of things triggers major annoyances, you can bet it’s a symptom of a bigger issue going on. Abigail Makepeace – yes, that’s really her name – has identified the biggest fight-starters in locked-down households.

Money – Over 54-million people have filed for unemployment benefits since March. So, it’s likely that tensions over cashflow are high. Experts say taking the time to re-work your budget is a good step to keeping the peace, prioritizing electric and mortgage payment over in-game purchases on your favorite apps.

Risks – Disagreements on what risks are alright to take are also high on the list. It’ll take careful negotiating skills to navigate this one, especially if you two are on complete opposite ends of the political spectrum, but you’ve got to find a common ground you can both agree to.

Alone Time – Another big complaint is getting enough alone time. If hearing them take a call while working from home is making your blood boil, maybe it’s time to go outside to take a walk and get inside your own headspace. Having a talk about new boundaries and patterns might be helpful, too, as long as it’s not to late and you’re already over-the-edge.

Schooling – If kids are in the picture, many knock-down/drag-outs have been over how they should experience school. Whether they’re doing the home schooling/remote education thing or the full-blown school day, make sure you’re on the same page and not bringing the kid into it…unless you’re asking what they’re comfortable with.

Support/Blame – Finally, there are intangibles like fear. If one of you is worried or afraid of something, and the other appears oblivious to it all, then there’s the possibility one’s not feeling supported…or, even worse, blame could be passed on to each other for things neither of you have any control over. Take some time to listen rather than bitch about it. You’re both in the same situation, after all, and it’s easier to keep things steady when you take time to remember that.

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