in #CASE you missed it… Americans Tackled Home DIY During Quarantine

in #CASE you missed it… Americans Tackled Home DIY During Quarantine

The average homeowner has attempted four different home improvement projects since March

While some folks spent their time during quarantine drinking a lot of wine during Zoom happy hours, some were actually pretty productive, especially around the house.

A new survey finds:

81% of Millennial homeowners tackled some sort of home improvement project during quarantine.

Overall, 65% of those who tackled a project did so to save money.

Another 49% did it to keep themselves busy during lockdown.

The average homeowner has attempted four different home improvement projects since March.

Doing it themselves saved them over $160.

The most common home improvement projects tackled include:

Painting in the house (32%)

Working on landscaping project outside (29%)

Re-caulking (27%)

Re-tiling kitchen or bathroom (24%)

Plumbing (23%)

And apparently these projects didn’t get the better of a lot of people.

73% said they felt resilient enough to take on more, and 67% are looking forward to more projects in the future.

71% consider their home a “work in progress.”

50% plan on doing more DIY projects before the end of the year.

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