in #CASE you missed it… Woman, 67, takes down intruder

in #CASE you missed it… Woman, 67, takes down intruder

67-Year-Old Woman Overpowers Intruder

When an intruder broke into the California home of 67-year-old Lorenza Marrujo earlier this week, he had no way of knowing the petite woman had 26 years of martial arts training under her belt. But he found out soon enough.

The Fontana resident, who lives in an apartment complex for seniors, says after she scared off the intruder on Monday, he left and broke into her 81-year-old neighbor's apartment. When Marrujo heard her scream, she ran to her aid. "I squeezed myself between her and him," Marrujo says. " I jumped on him and I was punching him and everything, and I had the cane against his throat. He was saying, 'You’re hurting me, you’re hurting me.'" She held the suspect until police arrived.

Marrujo's neighbor, Elizabeth McCray, says she had no idea her friend packed such a punch. "I didn’t expect that little lady would be that brave," McCray says. "I said, 'Could you be careful? He’s gonna kill us.' She said, 'Not tonight.'"

If you were in a similar situation, would you want to hold the attacker until police arrived, or would you rather just scare him off? Do any elderly members of your family have hidden skills?

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