Bride Slammed For List of 11 Strict RULES For Wedding Guests!

A bride-to-be has been called 'rude' for treating her wedding guests like 'inmates' after she created a list of 11 strict rules to send out with her invitations.

The 'bridezilla', thought to be from the US, shared her wedding rules on social media, which included 'no phones', 'pace yourself when drinking', don't 'smuggle' your own alcohol into the event, 'no nit-picking' and 'no rushing anyone'.

Other rules she had included 'don't wear white', 'don't show up late', 'don't get in the photographer's way', 'no trying to change things about the decorations', 'no big announcements or proposals', and 'no posting to social media before us'.

She initially posted her list in a Facebook group asking strangers whether she had forgotten any other rules - but many were divided over her demands.

One wrote, 'Surely there is a more polite way of doing this? This is rude. They are guests, not inmates. Surely people know? It's common sense... If you need to give your guests rules then I think you're inviting the wrong kind of people.' The bride responded, saying: 'How is it rude? My fiancé's mother needs rules because she is that type of controlling and narcissistic person.'

Others pointed out the bride seemed to have a particular issue with her mother-in-law - and suggested she should have a 'private conversation' with her. However, the bride insisted: 'She's not one to just "talk to". I tried talking to her once about not piercing my daughter's ears because I wanted to wait and she blew up and swore at us... and walked out.' The bride-to-be said she didn't 'care' what everyone thought about her rules because it was her wedding day, not anyone else's, but one person said: 'The issue isn't the rules, it's the way your way of displaying them.'

Many didn't agree with her list of rules, with one woman suggesting the bride should ask her fiancé to speak to his own mother about her behavior.

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