Experts Say You Can Live To Be THIS OLD!

Researchers believe they have identified the upper limit of human mortality and it’s 150 years old.

The current record for oldest human is Jeanne Calment, who passed away in 1997 at 122 years old. Using an iPhone app and a huge amount of medical data from volunteers in the UK and US, artificial intelligence analyzed the numbers. Researchers determined that the human lifespan is most significantly based on two data points: biological age— associated with stress, lifestyle and chronic diseases —and resilience— how quickly the person returns to normal after responding to a stressor. Using these findings, at around 120 to 150 years old, the human body shows “a complete loss” of resilience, resulting in an inability to recover.

A professor from the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center the study is “Explains why even most effective prevention and treatment of age-related diseases could only improve the average, but not the maximal, lifespan, unless true anti-aging therapies have been developed.”

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