Americans Will Do Almost Anything to Go on a Two-Week Vacation

Seven in 10 Americans will do absolutely anything to go on a two-week vacation.

A new survey found 65% of people get so fed up after a long workday, all they want to do is sit at home and relax for an average of four hours.

In order to escape the confines of their home and go on vacation, 45% would endure a bath in ice-cold water. 43% would work on every weekend for a yearand 38% would willingly give up celebrating every holiday for a year.

A third of Americans feel their absolute happiest when they’re on vacation. When they’re on vacation, people are more likely to eat exotic foods (57%), spend more money (54%) and laugh more (53%) than they would at home. While 45% of people have an alcohol budget, 64% will spend more on alcohol while on vacation than any other time in their lives.


  1. Take a bath in ice cold water                45%
  2. Work on every weekend for a year            43%
  3. Give up celebrating holidays for a year         38%
  4. Take a 10% cut to my pay                   37%
  5. Give up my favorite food                    36%
  6. A dream parking spot                      34%
  7. Cancel Netflix/streaming service forever       30%
  8. Give up social media for a year               27%
  9. Have your worst selfie published online        17%
Paradise sandy beach with coco palm

Photo: Getty Images

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