Vegan Men Fart Seven Times More Than Non-Vegans

There are plenty of reasons to be a vegan. Saving the planet is a reason. So is living longer and maintaining a healthy weight. But it does come with some major downsides, and we’re not just talking about not being able to eat bacon.

According to a new study, guys who are on a mostly vegan diet fart seven times more than guys who chow down on meat.

Researchers supposedly hooked up balloons to the undersides of dudes to figure out just how much gas was getting blasted. It wasn’t pretty. The scientists found that men who stuck with a low-fat, fiber-enriched diet of vegetables, fruits and legumes were blasting up a storm when compared to men who were eating meats and dairy products like ham, eggs and beef.

But there was some good news for the vegans. They produced more stool and softer stool -- you know... poop -- than the meat eaters. But, they also farted up to seven times more a day, with each fart containing about 50 percent more gas.

Source:Men’s Health

Photo: Getty Images

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