I Knew It! More Sopranos May Be On The Way.

The creator of 'The Sopranos' just signed a huge deal with WarnerMedia that included a prequel to the infamous show in the works.

This prequel will be a sequel to the Many Saints of Newark movie that was recently released that did extremely well as far as numbers.

The CEO of WarnerMedia said, "We're talking to David about a new series, 'Sopranos' related, on HBO Max. You see 'The Sopranos' pop into the top ten of viewed series on the service and it's given it an entirely new life. It's literally lifted all of 'The Sopranos' franchise in a new way. You can't measure just by the box office."

Chase said, "There's only one way that I would do it, and that was if Terry [Winter] and I could write the script together."

Winter said, "I absolutely loved the movie, and I've seen it a couple of times. I was really on the fence about whether David should even do it. You know, let's leave it alone. But the more he told me about his ideas, obviously, it couldn't be in better hands than David and Alan Taylor. I knew it would be good, I just didn't know how much I was going to love it. To me, it felt like the show tonally, like it was the show, but not the show. It just felt light, tonally, like what we did. The cast was great and Alessandro Nivola was just incredible. Seeing Michael Gandolfini, there were so many moments where he was his dad. Ray Liotta was great."

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