12/9/21 Mornings With Jodi and Bender Recap Podcast

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It's Friday eve, and the gang spent a LOT of time today heaving deep sighs. Chris scored another win during Puget Sound Showdown, and a discussion of Rolling Stone's best TV shows of 2021 (apocalypse show? no thanks). Jodi was distracted by otters today-- killer otters in Singapore AND 'Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas', which was discuused at great length. Jodi = "it's the greatest Muppet holiday special of all time". Bender = "never heard of it". Plus, why won't Bender's baby say his name anymore, what's the deal with catalytic converters, you lose HOW MUCH of your life in traffic, the stupid idiot of the day, and MORE! Thanks for listening!


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