in #CASE you missed it… Your Old Jeans Could Help You Lose Weight

in #CASE you missed it… Your Old Jeans Could Help You Lose Weight

Holding on to old jeans you don’t fit into anymore could help motivate you to lose weight.

My wife does this….   Who out there has an old pair of jeans in their closet that don’t fit anymore but you keep them around for motivation to drop a few pounds so you can wear them again? Turns out quite a few people do. According to a recent Harris poll, 39% of women admit they do it.

So we hold onto the old jeans for inspiration, but is keeping them around a healthy move? Well, that all depends. Nutrition physician specialist Melina Jampolis explains that “it puts emphasis on overall body composition instead of a number on the scale,” which she says is important from a health perspective.

And it can be a free way to reward your weight loss efforts, too. But if your closet is packed with jeans that you can’t wear anymore and haven’t been able to zip for the last decade, you might want to reconsider. You might be more motivated by cleaning out that space to make room for new, more flattering styles, instead of holding onto your old blue jeans.

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