in #CASE you missed it… Yoga Can Make Your Sex Life Better

in #CASE you missed it… Yoga Can Make Your Sex Life Better

 A sex therapist and yoga instructor explains how yoga could make your sex life even hotter.

Most of us have heard that doing yoga has all kinds of health benefits, like more energy and less stress. But it turns out all that stretching and breathing can help you have mind-blowing sex, too.

“Yoga means unity of the mind, body, and breath,” says sex therapist and yoga instructor Heather Simonson. “In sex we are using our bodies, but oftentimes don’t use the mind or the breath.” But we should be. This is how practicing yoga can make your sex life even hotter.

Yoga improves flexibility - Being more flexible means you can bend in more ways and try new positions in bed, so you’re less likely to get bored.

It fosters body acceptance - Simonson says, “Yoga helps us be less attached to the idea that our body has to look a certain way in order for us to feel sexy or attractive.” And the more you accept yourself in yoga, the more comfortable you’ll feel in your skin, both on the mat and in bed.

Yoga primes the pelvis for action - You can strengthen your pelvic floor with yoga and one study found that practicing yoga regularly improved desire, arousal, orgasm, and overall satisfaction in women ages 22 to 55.

Yoga keeps you in the moment - If you ever catch yourself zoning out and getting anxious about something in the middle of sex, yoga can help you stay focused. Yoga helps you go with the flow and let go of distractions, so you can stay connected to your partner and enjoy the pleasure. And that’s what it’s all about.

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