Photo: Jena Ardell/Moment/Getty Images
Fall is right around the corner, the time of year when the weather starts too cool down, days become shorter and leaves begin to transform into vibrant orange, yellow and red hues. Fortunately for people who make a hobby out of viewing the autumnal changes, those vivid blooms can be found all around the country — including in Washington. compiled a list of the best places in each state to view the colorful transformation, the must-visit destinations every nature lover should check out to catch watch the fall foliage fully unfold before the winter. According to the site, the three best places in Washington to see fall foliage are Whidbey Island Scenic Isleway, Mount Rainier National Park and Hoh Rainforest.
Here's what the site had to say about the scenic fall nature views at Whidbey Island Scenic Isleway:
"With its mellow vibe and spectacular views from every direction, exploring the Whidbey Island Scenic Isleway is an absolute must throughout the fall season. Expect to see bigleaf maples, Garry oaks, and other deciduous trees displaying the full array of autumn hues plus stunning evergreens alongside, like the Pacific madrone."
Check out the full report at to see more about the destinations around the country with the best fall foliage.