95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender

95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender

95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender


Woman Divorces Husband When THIS Disappeared (his excuse was stupid, too)

A woman is divorcing her husband after noticing his ring missing in a picture of him around other girls!

A TikTok user said that she was checking Facebook when she allegedly noticed a photo of her husband “with a bunch of girls” at a nightclub. The image was taken by a professional photographer and shared on the venue’s page. She said, “He’s not wearing his wedding ring, so I ask him about it.” He responded with what she called the “most ridiculous lie I’ve ever heard.” He claimed they “Photoshopped his ring off.”

In a second video, the woman claimed her then-husband changed his story. She said he claimed he must have taken his ring off to wash his hands and forgot to put it back on. 


Other TikTok users shared their support for her. One said, “Girl, you not divorced! He’s just photoshopped out of you life.” Another wrote, “I can’t believe he thought you would believe that.” In the comments, the woman claimed that her husband was a narcissist and said she read books to understand his behavior so they could stay together. They couldn’t work it out because of lies on his end, but she said this one was the funniest.

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