95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender

95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender

95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender


Daily Bender Gazette: Marshmallow Launched 225 Feet, Caught In Man's Mouth

A pair of men in Utah broke a Guinness World Record when one launched a marshmallow from a slingshot and the other caught it in his mouth 225-feet, 10-inches away. A video posted to YouTube by the men shows one launching marshmallows from a slingshot while the other attempts to catch them. The pair ended up with their successful attempt spanning a distance of 225-feet, 10-inches, capturing the Guinness record for farthest marshmallow propelled and caught in the mouth. Read on!

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