95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender

95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender

95.7 The Jet Mornings with Jodi & Bender


9/29/21 Mornings With Jodi and Bender Recap Podcast

Photo: Getty Images

Huuuump Daaaaaay and today Rick Rizzs, the Voice of the Mariners, joined the show to talk about the amazing Mariners, and Ashley from Kirkland was super dominant during her 4th win on Puget Sound Showdown! Tons of tickets blown out, an immerisve adventure into the underground world of touring art installations (it's funnier then it sounds), a lot of reasons for Bender to get out his wallet, how many ounces are in Jodi's glass, mystery McMuffins, Amazon's robot is a no go, Jodi rejects the diabetes expert's theory, and Bender says NO to John Lennon. Thanks for listening!


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